Saturday, April 30, 2011

Prompt #1: An object from memory!

During my writers block(or is it just blogger block?), i was surfing the web trying to find something to write about. I found something called 'Creative Writing Prompts' that has 346 prompts to write about. Leave it to me to get the crazy idea to do all of these prompts!...Yep, you read that right! I probably will only do one a week(maybe more), but i will still keep with my original way of doing things as well! If i have something to write about, I'll write about it as well as writing about these prompts! I have only read the first few and they seem interesting. Some are writing short stories while others are just writing a paragraph or two! I can totally handle it(I hope!!) and it seems fun! It will sort of be a 'Julie and Julia' kind of blog, with a twist!

Prompt number one asks me to close my eyes for three minutes and to think of any object in the room and, without opening my eyes, i have to recall as much detail as i can about the object. When i open my eyes i have to write about the object without looking at it! This should be fun!

....three minutes later....(time flies a lot faster in typing, it seems!)

The object that stood out most in my mind is a picture of our very first sonogram when I was pregnant with Baylynn. I didn't even need the three minutes to remember what a joyous day that was! We were scared to death though. We had already been through one miscarriage and the chances of a second miscarriage was very high since the pregnancies were only one month apart. What if we got there and the screen was black again? How could we handle the loss of two children in less than one years time? less than 6 months time? These were chances we had to take if we wanted to see that little bundle!

And what a wonderful sight it was!

 I can almost recall everything about that day! She was doing flips which was making it hard for the ultrasound tech. to get accurate measurements! She refused to calm down! But even though we saw her moving, we had to hear that heart beat! We didn't want to leave without it and when he finally was able to get it for the few seconds that he did, it was heavenly! Music to our ears, that is for sure.

I remember us just smiling with the biggest smiles! 'Ear to ear' smiles some would say! The sound of her thumping heart and the sight of her rolling around! It was just Perfect!

when we were all finished, we went out to the waiting room and waited for them to print us a picture of our beautiful baby! The first picture we ever had of her and even then, she was perfect! The picture was of her whole profile. It had a leg, an arm, her little torso and her tiny head! It actually looked like a baby! I see some ultrasounds that look like little beans, but she actually looked like a baby!

When we got home, the first thing i did was put the picture in a cream colored picture frame that had a blue ribbon wrapped all the way around it with a bow on top(blue can be a unisex color too!) and that said 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' on it(also in blue!...the frame was on sale! geeze!). Then I hung it on the wall. There was no doubt in my mind that this baby was going to be coming home with us at the end of my pregnancy...And sure enough, she did! All 8 lbs 4.5 oz and 20 3/4 inches of her!

The framed picture now sits on a shelf above our bed. I doubt we will ever not have it on display. There was and still is so much joy in that picture! So many happy memories and even a wish come true!

Until Next Time!


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I think it's a sign...

On our way home on Easter Sunday, Jeffrey and myself wanted a Cherry limeade from Sonic so we pulled into the Sonic parking lot just to find out they were closed. The next closest place was Jack-In-The-Box. Their large drinks normally last the whole 3 hour car ride home, so we pulled in, waited in the long car line, finally ordered, waited some more and then finally got our large Sweet Teas(and Baylynn a small). We didn't taste it right away because it normally tastes like sweet tea. Jeffrey got on the interstate and we got about a mile down the road before we finally tasted it...

Yep, we should have tasted it sooner. It tasted off at first and then the after taste tasted HIGHLY of coffee. Talk about gross. Coffee Flavored Sweet Tea. Yuck! Had we wanted to waste the gas money on $6 of drinks, we would have turned around but once we are in the car for the long road trip home, we just want to go home! I was so mad!

When you have your taste buds ready for one thing, and you get another, it just screws you up! Had it not been sweet, we could have stopped at the next gas station and got some sweet-n-low or sugar, but you can't take the coffee flavor out!

That was only the first thing to happen in less than a weeks span!

The next thing happened last night! Jeffrey had won some money from a friend with a card trick so he wanted to pick up a pizza on his way home. So, we ordered Pizza Hut's Ultimate Meaty Stuffed Crust Pizza which was sure to fill all three of us up for a low price of only $13!

He gets home and I give baylynn a slice of pizza and a bread stick and then we go to chow down...The very first slice i pick up and almost put in my mouth has a hair. I thought it was mine, so i was just going to take it off and not say another word....

And then I pulled on the hair.... and it didn't budge... it was BAKED in the pizza. I was suddenly sick to my stomach. When Jeffrey had fully pulled it out, it looked exactly like a pubic hair. I was completely grossed out.

Again, being 30 minutes away from town, we would have wasted more gas money than we spent on the pizza, so we didn't take it back... but by golly, had we lived closer, SOMEONE would have heard from me and NOT liked it.

And then we come to today.

We had gone to the mall and Jeffrey had gone to the bathroom and found $10 and suddenly he was hungry. So we went to Chick-Fil-A which was inside the mall. We order our usual and somehow it is $25 instead of $19. I guess mall's charge way more than regular stores! So anyways, We get our food and instead of a large fry, they brought us a medium. This mistake was by far the most understandable!! and least one to get upset over!

Luckily, the guy caught it when he brought us the food and immediately exchanged it without us saying anything! The only time we were still at the place and it was the most understandable mishap. Go figure!

Anyways, i told Jeffrey it's a sign we need to stop eating out PERIOD! We don't need to eat out anymore, EVER! These places are trying to tell us it's bad! It's a sign I tell ya, It's a sign!

So, i have decided, i don't want to be grossed out any longer and i don't want to eat out anymore(except for chimichangas, chips, red and green sauce from Jalapeno Tree! YUM!!) Three mishaps in one week, two of which were not fixed! That's a lot of money waisted when you don't have a lot of money to be spared! Yeah, it was all free money, but that free money could have been saved for something a house...a $30 house...ok, so maybe gas...haha!

What have we learned from this? TO CHECK YOUR ORDER BEFORE YOU LEAVE!! Well, it would not have helped with the pizza since it was backed between the sauce and maybe dine in instead of carry-out so that way you can send it back if there is a screw up, of just get your money back and go to another place!

Until Next Time!


Monday, April 25, 2011

A Split Family Tree

There has been something on my mind that i really want to share so that maybe it will finally stop hurting me so much. At first, i didn't want to say anything because i was scared it would hurt someones feelings, but honestly, i don't care anymore.

Eight, maybe nine years ago, for reasons that make no sense to me, my oldest sister stopped letting my mom see her granddaughter. For one year after that, my mom cried on almost a daily basis. She would sit on the front porch and wonder what she had done wrong. What had she done that could have made her daughter do something so drastic?

Finally, my mom went on about her life, realizing she would one day have grandchildren from her other children that she WOULD be able to see. She knew that me for sure, being a mommas girl, would never deny her any rights, or would ever push her outta of my life! She knew she could always count on me!

But, for some reason, i still wanted to talk to my oldest sister(and so did my younger sister). Why? i have no clue, but i wish i had been smarter! My oldest sister would often post on her Myspace how she was 'deprived' as a child because she didn't get what all the other kids in her school had when she was growing up. I don't care if you are joking or not, when your mother is a single mom, you live with what you got and are thankful you have the things you do have!

My sister always told me to speak my mind and when i did, she didn't like it and blocked me from e-mailing her. So, whats the point in speaking my mind if you can't handle what i have to say? I mean really.

Anyways, i ended up being let down by her numerous times. I just got tired of it and realized i didn't need her in my life. So, like she did to my mom, i blocked her out of my life (while my younger sister kept talking to her). Blood doesn't make someone family, it just makes them related! She may be related to me, but she is not my family!!

Most may think this is petty and stupid of me, but you were not there to watch my mom cry. You were not there to see how much not seeing her one and only grand child hurt her. It was pure hell. i couldn't stand it. it just plain sucked!

After all of this happened, i graduated, got married and then got pregnant. On September 2, 2009, i had my daughter!

And then...only one month later... 8 years after my sister had done the unthinkable, my niece contacts my mom.

Hum, coincidence? i think not! Suddenly there was a new grand baby in town and my sisters kids were not the ones getting spoiled(and, by the way, by this time, my sister had another child whom was 5 at the time). I'm not jealous by any means, i just think it is crap that it took a new grand baby and a custody battle between my oldest sister and her ex husband over my niece(mhm!!) to get my sister to bring the kids around. I was happy my mom was finally able to see her grand kids, but why now? why after 8 long years?

The sad part? by this time my niece was 12. last time we had seen her, she was 4. She was all grown up and we knew nothing about her....NOTHING. That hurt more than anything. It even hurt more than her not being around for 8 years. When you grow up knowing someone, you know their likes and dislikes but do you  know how long it takes to put 8 years of a missing puzzle back together?

But i want to put my oldest sister through the same hell she put my mother through. She has a niece that she will not know for AT LEAST 8 years. The only person who doesn't seem to like this idea, is my youngest sister who says I am the only one not over the whole ordeal.

...Right... as if you can get over something that happened over an 8 year span, in a split second. Not going to happen. I will never forget what she did to my mother and our mother will never forget either... NEVER... She will always be reminded because she doesn't know her grand children and her granddaughter has no interest in the same things she used to like. My mom just hides the pain to keep everyone happy, but really, you can hear it in her voice that she is still hurting.

So basically, because I refuse to forget what my older sister did, my younger sister is all over my case about me not having a job and staying home with my daughter and speaking my mind. She, too, blocked me for that!

You can sit there and say that you feel sorry for the life my daughter must 'endure' but really and truly, she isn't, by any means suffering and you, not being a parent yourself, have no right to judge me on my parenting skills!!! No, she doesn't have gap or old navy clothes. She also may never have a coach purse, wallet or shoes. And she may never get Starbucks on a regular basis! Those things are all non needed items in life and i am sorry that you feel they are required to live. She is fed, she is clothed, she has toys, she has a roof over her head and she has two DAMN good parents that love her and that put her first before everything. It doesn't matter if they are clothes used by friends kids, and it doesn't matter if we are not paying for that roof, what matters is she has it and her daddy is doing the best he can to provide for his family while I stay at home with her because it is the best thing for HER.

 if you cant see that, then i feel sorry for the life YOU will endure. You will one day learn, sweetie, that everything isn't handed to you on a silver platter. Right now your Daddy pays for your phone and pretty much gives you everything you want, but not forever girlie. Life isn't so simple! Wait until YOU are the one paying your $200+ phone bill or buying the nice IPhone with your OWN money! It isn't all glitz and glam and it sure as hell isn't cheap!

Life is about love and the people in it, not the stuff you can buy and show off.

Everyone deals with things in their own way... my way of dealing with my anger is to hold grudges, never forget what happened and to vent through my writing. No one has to like it! <3

Until next Time!


Sunday, April 24, 2011 is man who is to be feared.

After putting Baylynn to bed, i figured the rest of the night would be smooth and easy. HA!!

I was sitting here doing my nightly Facebook, Hotmail, G-mail, and Blogger checks when out of no where, i hear a loud bang that sounded as if it came from grandmothers bedroom. My first thought? She fell and hit her head and was knocked unconscious. I pushed my computer out of my way, jumped over the baby gate, rushed out the bedroom door, just to see her, laying in bed wondering what in the world had just happened....

So, that made three of us...

I heard a vehicle, so my next thought was to run outside. 'Surely no car had just hit the wall,' i thought to myself. I had the curtains open, i would have seen it happen.


What happens when you mix alcohol and driving? Apparently forgetting how to drive...Getting a gas peddle mixed up would have been one thing, but the D and the R look NOTHING alike!!! So, instead of nice and neatly backing out of the garage and into the driveway, someone(i wont mention who) rammed into the fridge and freezer which pushed them against the wall, which made a loud bang, which made me and Jeffrey think grandmother had fallen.

So the same thing applies for when you are at home as it does in public: DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE! Had the fridge and freezer not been there, grandmother might be going to the hospital right now. Dry wall and a few 2 x 4's don't protect against the force of a car too well. I have seen brick crumble when a car rammed it. Yeah, that is at a faster speed, but the point is, the car normally wins a battle against a house.

Again, anyone who knows me, knows i hate when people drink(unless there is a special occasion like New Years or something else along those lines) and i hate when people get drunk(There is NEVER a reason to be drunk!!!!), and even more so, i hate when people drink and drive. Everyone thinks they are a great driver when drunk, but the thing is, they're not.

I have been in the vehicle with someone when they only had a few beers in their system. Only a few. When i am clinching to my seat, and worried that the stress of them nearly hitting the cars in front of us could cause me to go into labor, you know i am scared. Luckily, I made it home in one piece and didn't go into labor. The funny thing was, they thought they were driving well. Yeah, not so much. Good try on thinking though.

There are other people on the streets(and in their homes) when you drink and drive, and i know me saying this wont change any ones old habits, but i really hope it doesn't take killing someone for your habits to change. I don't care what anyone says, if you drink and drive, it isn't an accident if you kill someone, and it makes you a cold blooded killer. Thankfully nothing happened tonight and everyone is ok.

'Automobiles are not ferocious.... it is man who is to be feared.'  ~Robbins B. Stoeckel

Until Next Time!


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Addicted to the 'like' Button!

Most everyone now days has or has had at some point in time, a Facebook! For those who use it often, like myself, you know of the well used 'like' button! It comes after nearly every post and even for some business' you have to 'like' their page to keep track of their products or to see whats new!

The like button is used probably too much by some! I have been known to sit here and 'Like' things all day long, but that's maybe once a month and it's really only things I truly enjoy or that in some way shape or form, i can relate to!

People who know me, know i don't care what the world thinks about what i say, so i pretty much post anything and everything on my Facebook status. And then there are people who do care about what the world thinks, they just post it for the attention and then get mad that you comment on it. When I stumbled upon 'If you DON'T want people in your business, Don't post it to your STATUS!' I had to like it. For me, i post it because i don't care! I don't care what people think of what i write! If they don't like it, they can easily find the 'Unfriend' button located on my profile at the bottom left!!

Another thing i couldn't help but like was 'I survived Y2K, Bird Flu, Mad Cow, 9/11 and Swine Flu. 2012, Here I come!' I am an 'i'll believe it when i see it' kind of girl so really and truly, i don't think the world will end in 2012, but i wont know for sure until the time comes. I may have been young when Y2K came around but i remember everyone running around and buying food and supplies for the end of the world! Welp, 11 years later and I am still alive!! 2012 is just going to be this big hype that everyone freaks out over and then the next day they feel like idiots!! At least the next day everyone can wish me a Happy Birthday! 'haha losers, you're still alive and so am i, and today is my birthday....NOW SING!' Ok, Ok! I wouldn't go that far, but it would be rather funny, wouldn't it?!

I like a few funny things as well, and then some Serious ones that i shouldn't have been able to 'like' but instead i should have been able to 'Follow' or something along those lines. One that stands out in my mind the most is 'Prayers and Patches For Wyatt'. This is about a 3 year old little boy who was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer(i can't remember the kind). He wants to be a fireman when he grows up(just like his daddy), so his parents are asking for patches from fire departments all over the world. I will be doing what i can do get him at least one patch from down this way and i will for sure be praying for him...But i should not have been able to 'like' this! i cried when i read his story. There was nothing to 'like' about it!!!!

I am even guilty of 'liking' someones status because I was too lazy to type something out! I know i am not the only one to ever do this! it's easy and it's there for a reason and it pretty much sums up what i want to say anyways!

There are some people, though, whom have a new set of 'likes' everyday. I always see '[so and so] likes [such and such] and 8 other pages.' I think, in some ways, they are addicted to the 'Like' button! And it's not just one person, its several people! I know I can be that person as well, so i am not saying it's a bad thing, i just think there needs to be a 'Like Button Anonymous' or something because Facebookers ARE ADDICTED to the 'like' button!!

What's your favorite 'liked' quote, page, saying, status, etc... on Facebook?! Maybe you 'Like' something others may 'Like' as well and we can all 'Like' it together!...was that too much?! haha!

Until Next Time!


A Vanishing Glow

Every woman who wants children at some point in their life dreams of the day her first child will be born! The day you find out you are pregnant is when that dream slowly becomes a reality.

The dream is short lived, for some though. When the bleeding starts... when that ultrasound monitor shows a black hole... No little bean you thought you would see, no little heart beat and a very quiet technician.

Jeffrey and myself were overly excited about getting pregnant the first go around! We were newly weds and although times were tough, we just knew that little bundle would change it all! We started looking almost immediately in newspapers and on Craigslist for baby stuff. At about week 4 of the pregnancy, we found a crib for only $10 that had only been used 2 or 3 times! We went to look at it and it was in perfect condition so we bought it! For $10, who wouldn't?! We got home and looked up the crib's maker and the cheapest crib we could find was well over $150, so I think we got a heck of a deal!

A few days later, a local store was going out of business, and guess who found baby clothes for a bargain? Yep, me! Since we were only a few weeks into the pregnancy, we had no idea what the sex was, so unisex clothes it was! When we came home, we put the crib up and hung the clothes on the railing! We were well on our way to stocking up!

Then, around week 7, i started spotting. I had read that spotting was normal in some pregnancies, so i didn't let it worry me. A few days later the spotting turned to light bleeding. This did worry me, so we went to one of the local ER's and waited a good few hours for the doctor to give me an exam, tell me i was bleeding, give me paperwork with 'threat of a miscarriage' at the title and sent me on my way. There was no 'you are bleeding, so lets do an ultrasound and see whats going on' there was just a 'you're bleeding'. Really doc? REALLY?! I had no idea!

So, we went home and i followed the 'bed rest until your next doctors appointment' the paperwork (not the doctor) told me to do.

A few days later, I received a care package from my mom with 2 pairs of booties(one pink and one blue) and a few books to read! I was so excited! Those booties were so tiny and adorable!

That night, we had to rush Jeffrey's Grandmother to the hospital due to what we thought was a bad reaction to a vitamin K shot, and turned out to be pneumonia. While we were there(this was a completely different hospital) we decided to get me checked out again because the bleeding had not stopped.

I was taken back quickly and got dressed into my lovely gown. Only minutes later, my doctor came in and said he was going to give me some blood tests, a urine test, and 2 types of ultrasounds to see if we could figure out what was going on.

Well, minutes later, a nurse came in to take blood, and then minutes after that another nurse came in for the urine sample and just minutes after that i was sent back to get the ultrasounds.

I was so excited! I was finally going to get to see my little bean! The technician turned on the monitor and started working away pressing 1000 different buttons(or so it seemed). Jeffrey kept asking her questions and she wouldn't answer, she would just say 'hang on, let me get this recorded.'

Then i looked up at the screen. This is when i knew. I knew deep down, there wasn't a baby anymore.

I had seen ultrasounds on all of the baby and pregnancy shows and knew what to look for. But this, this was a black empty sac. I honestly think i was in shock.

I was wheeled back to my room but i didn't tell Jeffrey what i already knew. I am 100% sure i didn't want it to be true.

About 30 minutes later, the doctor came back in, sat us down and told us we were more than likely miscarrying. He said there was a 10% chance that maybe our dates were wrong and we might still be pregnant. 10% chance doesn't give us a lot of hope, but for some reason, i didn't cry. I still think i was in shock...and then the doctor laid his hand on my shoulder and someone opened the flood gates. I don't know what it was about that touch but it started a flood of emotions.

We were sent home. The whole way home i just sat there quietly and kept wondering what it was that I did. Why was my body denying me of the one thing i wanted most in life?

We were finally home. The normal 30 minute drive felt like it had taken hours. All I wanted to do was curl up in bed, go to sleep and then wake up from this bad dream. As soon as we walked into our bedroom, though, the first thing we saw was the crib...set up so perfectly. Seeing this set off 3 days of tears. I didn't want to eat, i didn't want to sleep, i didn't want to talk to anyone. I just wanted my baby back.

And then, on November 26th, 2008 Our baby angel made their way to heaven. Thanksgiving day. Oh what a day to give thanks for all the things we have.

You know, thinking back, everyone always said when you are having a miscarriage, you go through a ton of pain. They said you will cramp badly and bleed heavily. Well I am here to tell you I didn't cramp until the day i miscarried and it wasn't bad, it was just a few little cramps here and there and my bleeding wasn't heavy until afterwards. The only reason I know for a fact i miscarried on thanksgiving day was because I went to the bathroom and a tiny pea sized, fluid filled sac came out onto the toilet paper.

I know so many women go through this and 95%(just my made up percentage...nothing scientific about it) of the time, there was nothing that could have prevented it. At the time, i blamed myself. I just knew i had done something wrong, but in reality, i had probably done every thing right(well minus the pickles and mayo sandwiches i had to have every night!)!

Losing a child is hard for anyone, no matter the age. Even in the short amount of time i carried our baby angel, i still loved him/her(and still do!). To this day, i still cry every now and then(and i am sure i always will) when i think back to those few weeks and wonder what he or she would have looked like, but then i look at our beautiful baby girl and think of how she came about and how she was a wish come true; a pure miracle, and all of those tears turn to smiles!

Until Next Time!


Sunday, April 17, 2011

A day at the Caldwell Zoo!

Jeffrey, Baylynn and myself absolutely love going to our local zoo! We love going so much that we go one to two times a month! It is small, yet perfect! So perfect that it was voted 'america's number one zoo' in 2008!

So yesterday, on such a pretty and slightly cool Saturday, we decided to go to the zoo! As soon as we got there, we found out that everyone else in the city of Tyler had the same great idea! It was crowded! Never, in the 2 years I have been going there has it been that crowded, but we decided that it wasn't going to ruin our fun!

We always start off going right as soon as we get into the gate. This side of the zoo has all of our favorite things piled into one area! It has the 'Texas' area(as if we don't see enough of that on a daily basis! but we still love it!), it has the otters, and it has our favorite attraction of the whole zoo: The beautiful brother and sister pair of white tigers(The male is white with black stripes and the female is white with very very faint brown stripes)! If that was the only thing they had at this zoo, I would be ok with paying just for them! they are gorgeous! I could sit there in awe all day long! They are just simply amazing.

So, when we got to the white tigers, it was super crowded but we wanted to see them, so we waited our turn to push Baylynns stroller right up to the glass so she could see them too. Well as soon as a spot was open, kids would just jump right in, not caring about the little kid in the stroller that wanted to see them too. We sat there patiently, expecting a parent to chime in and tell them to move...but no one ever did. If there is one thing that ticks me off in public, it's a parent who pays no attention to their kid. Be it the screamer in a restaurant, the one that likes to pull everything off the shelves in a store, or the one that has no respect for anyone. Parents need to take charge when it comes to public events! if you are going to be in public with your child, you should really keep your child in line! 

Let me get this straight, i wanted all of those children to see those beautiful tigers as well, but they were all tall enough to see over the stroller, or maybe wait their turn like we had.

After we had finally had enough of trying to let Baylynn see the tigers, we tried to make our way out of the crowd and in the process got bumped and pushed from people(mostly teenagers and kids) trying to get a look at the tigers. Not even an excuse me. Just a push and a shove. Really parents, where are your kids manners?! My 19 month old says 'cue me' when she is trying to get past someone and then says 'Thank you' when she does get past, so, dare i ask why these 8 to 17 year old can't do the same?!

Anyways, we finally got through and went to our next favorite exhibit: the bird walk about. These are parakeets and cocktails that have been trained to feed off of a feed stick. The stick costs $1 which seems outrageous but it is well worth it if you are a bird lover! Sadly, because of all of the people in the zoo, the birds were not very hungry, but just walking in and hearing all their chirps made it worth it! We just stuck our feed sticks in the diaper bag for the next time we go!

My favorite part of that whole exhibit, though, is Sunny. A white Cockatoo! If you bob up and down(it looks silly, but its fun!) he will begin to do the same! I always say 'dance sunny, dance' while doing the 'bob'. Normally, he'll dance! You can even make a loud squawking sound to try and get him to do his loud squawk which makes all of the other birds in the exhibit fly around like crazy! Its funny! Everyone ducks down thinking the birds are going to attack them or something. Sunny has even been known to mock my laugh! Just walking into the bird house thing makes me smile! He can make anyone's day better!

After the birds and Sunny, we made our way to our newest exhibit: the bears! Two black bears made their way to our zoo only about 2 months ago and have settled in just fine! I love being able to be so close to animals that are otherwise known as 'scarey'! The only thing that separates you from the bears is a few inches of glass! They, too, as magnificent creatures!

It was then on to the penguins. It was feeding time and there was a presentation so it was a bit crowded, but luckily we had seen it before and knew what to expect(so we skipped it)! The most amazing thing about these penguins are the love that two of them have for each other. Penguins are among the few animals that have the same belief in relationships as i do: Mate For Life! There is a pair of penguins in there that you will NEVER see separated from one another. when it's feeding time, the male always puts his fin(or as i call it, his arm) around the female mate. It's so sweet to watch how much they actually love each other!

After the penguins, we trudged up hill to the 'African' area where you can find zebras, giraffes, wart hogs, and elephants. There was a presentation with the Elephants and since we were the first ones there and had never seen it, we decided to stay and watch and i am glad we did! It was amazing to watch these huge elephants do simple tasks with just a simple rub on the nose or leg (or whatever the trainer wanted/needed them to move) with a stick and a small treat for every task completed correctly! I have actually heard that the trainers are actually doing health checks when they get them to do these simple tasks to ensure they still have proper movement in their legs, and what ever else! It was neat to watch though.

There were still an array of animals to see, including the rhinos, the cheetahs, the ant eaters, and several more birds! We normally finish our zoo trip with letting Baylynn walk through the petting zoo. It isn't anything special, just a few goats, but it lets the kids be hands on with an animal they might not see on a daily basis!

Needless to say, one could understand why we love this zoo so much. Saturday was by far the most crowded it had been since we have been going, but ruin our fun, it did not!

Until Next Time!


Friday, April 15, 2011

What are they thinking inviting ex's to their wedding?!

Maybe I am 'old school' when it comes to weddings but when you are getting married, the LAST people on your mind should be your ex's! You know, the ones that broke your heart or you broke their heart or something happened for them to become an ex! The same ones you are NOT walking down the isle to!!

So, why in the world do you think it is that Prince William and Kate have decided to invite their ex's to their special day?! Among all of their guests and the far more important people, their EX'S?! Not just one or two, but SIX!!! Six ex's will get an invite to their special day; the same special day they too may have once dreamed about.

Since it is a 'Royal Wedding', the ex's probably feel obligated to come. How awkward would that be? To sit and watch your ex walk down the isle to...not you! Or to watch him smile and stand there waiting for...not you! It is, to me, like a super insult!

I mean, obviously you cared for them in some way for them to still be on your mind when only ONE person should be on your mind, but should you care enough to invite them to your special day?! I guess I get it if you are best friends with them now, but it's still adding insult to injury!

What if they get there and you remember the good times y'all used to have and then you are like 'crap, am i doing the right thing? am i marrying the right person?' That's a great thing to be thinking about while walking down the isle or waiting for your bride to get to you on Your Wedding Day!

Maybe i am thinking too much into it, but i just don't understand why you would invite an ex to your wedding unless it was to rub it in their faces that it's not them there with you.

Really and truly, it's supposed to be 'Two Hearts, One Love', not 'Two Hearts and Six Ex Lovers'!

Until Next Time!


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Baby English or just jibber jabber...either way, it's cute!

At 19 months old, i figured my little munchkin would be speaking plain English by now! But you see, that is not the case! She speaks Baby English, as i am now calling it. There are times when it's easy to understand what she is saying, and other times, not so much!

I have been working with her from day one on talking! For some reason, i thought she would be able to talk within a few days of being born. I mean, she grew like a weed, why couldn't she talk?! Well finally, at 11 and a half weeks old, she said 'Ho'. Every mothers DREAM is for their childs first word to be 'ho', right? Well, when she says it two to three times under a Christmas Tree, you can't help but smile! I was as proud as could be! When someone would ask 'What was her first word?', they NEVER expected to hear 'ho'! My child is very unique in that department!

As she got older, she forgot about 'ho' and moved on to bigger and better words like 'Momma', 'Daddy', 'Please', 'thank you'. She has a very large vocabulary and she does say a few sentences, her favorite being 'i don't want to/it'. Typical!

There are times when i know what shes wants to, or is meaning to, say. 'Momma, I want pip' normally means chip. There is the 'pimp' which happens to be a Chimp. Pimping chimps! (She must not of had her eyes closed when we went to the zoo while i was 7 months pregnant! Those Chimps were doing naughty things!) Hearse is a horse, Ca-Ca is our dog Chica, giger is tiger, cue me is excuse me and the list goes on.

But that is only the easy decoding! Then we have the answers to my questions. 'Baylynn, what do you want for lunch?' 'Um, (insert jibber jabber here)' She says the 'Um' so perfectly like she is actually thinking of what she is wanting and then, nothing. I ask her again, and again, she gives me the 'um' with something after it. So i take her into the pantry and ask her again and she says the same thing again, this time with a finger point.

Yep, makes a ton of sense now. 'Kalabaka'(my made up word) totally sounds like Macaroni, or whatever else you happened to be pointing to! Geeze, why didn't i think of that?!

There are also times when she says it and points to it and i still have NO idea what she is talking about. For example, there is a box sitting on Jeffrey's dresser. The box contains items from the yard sale we had a few weekends ago that I just don't want to go through and put away. She has NO clue what is in the box(nor do i really!) but yet she points to it and says something(and i don't know what) and she gets so upset that i wont get it for her! I guess she thinks there is something amazing in there! I just don't know!

Trying to figure out what she is saying is sometimes a blast though! I will be talking to her about something and she will come back with something in her Baby English and seem to have a little attitude with it so i will come back with a playful 'Girl, you better not be talking back to me!', and she will do her little jibberish thing again with a little more attitude and a little bit louder than last time and again i will say my thing. This can go on forever and every time she will get louder and louder until she is practically yelling it...all the while, i am trying to figure out what she is saying and trying to hold back a laugh! Something must have been important but yet, i can't figure out what!

Through it all though, the words I understand the most is when she says 'I love you.' Nothing else in the world matters with those three little words from something so small!

Until Next Time!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Box FULL of memories...

I was cleaning out our bedroom closet the other day to see if we had anything for our yard sale. While doing so,  I decided i needed to go through my daughters baby box, again. I have gone through it SEVERAL times and every time I have put everything back nice and neatly. But this time... This time was different.

I opened the box and saw everything from receiving blankets, to her 'first' clothes, to even my maternity clothes.  I looked at every piece(and this is no tiny box!!) and remembered every occasion for which she wore the outfits! There was her 'Baby's First Boo' for Halloween with little black pants, a little ghost onesie and matching hat and socks. It was adorable and she looked so cute in it!

 And then there was her Christmas dress that was red with fluffy cuffs with a matching hooded cape. After buying it, I thought it was too plain so i added a white bow to both her dress and her cape! I also remember thinking the cape was just too much... and then thinking the dress was going overboard, so my mom bought her a much more simple dress, which too was in the box!

Then her Easter Dress! Why do we parents spend so much money on outfits they wont wear often or for long?! I remember this dress being $30 ish but yet, it was too cute to pass up! Cute little pink polk-a-dots on a white dress!! Was it worth the $30? Well, after looking back at all of her pictures from Easter, HECK YES IT WAS!! Maybe that's the reason we spend so much? Because we know the memories will last a lifetime? yeah, I'll stick with that!

Ug! There was also her first birthday dress and several other little outfits that i couldn't help but save. Jeffrey is probably wishing i hadn't saved them though. Like i said at the start of this blahg post, this time of looking through the box was different. Every other time i looked in before, I just loved the memories attached! This time though; this time i looked in and realized I wanted another little one!

Shocker? Yeah for me too! For those of you who don't know me, I had a plan to not have another child until after Baylynn was in school. I made this plan while i was pregnant with her. Then, after about 5 months of no sleep, I decided i didn't want another child AT ALL! I was on sex strike and all! I didn't want any sort of accident to happen. These was NO way you were getting this lady to have another baby! NO WAY!
Eventually I did give into the sex again, but we were still VERY cautious!!!

...And then i looked through the box again....

I saw the first onesie she ever wore and then compared it to the onesies she is wearing now and the size difference was so sad! How, in a year and a half, did she get so big?! I am not saying she is a big kid, because she is not, she is tiny!! She just grew so much in that short period of  time!

But looking at the onesie made me realize i miss the nights of waking up every 2 hours. I miss the days of smelling like spit up all day. I mostly miss though, her depending on me for everything! I liked being depended on! I know she still depends on me, but nothing like she used to!

By no means am i saying i want one right this second...well, i kinda am, but we are in no situation to have another one right now! But I am saying, I do want another one in the future...near future hopefully! hehe!

I told Jeffrey the other day(just kidding around...) that he needed to quickly find a better paying job so we could get our own place and have some more kiddies(...or was I?! lol)!! I think he has put his job search on hold! HAHA! just kidding! He is still looking, he just isn't as enthused about having more children as i am though! I think he'll like the idea better when Baylynn has her own room and his computer desk can finally come out from behind the barricade! I just hope that day comes sooner than later!

I guess time changes people! From someone who didn't want anymore kids EVER, to someone who wanted all the fun memories again! Change can sometimes be a good thing!

Until next time!


Potty Training at it's Best....or is it worst?

Not to brag, but my little munchkin has been using the big girl potty since she was only 5 months old! At that time, she was far too young to actually tell me 'hey look mom, I have to poop!' I just sat her on the potty and she went! Everytime i sat her on the potty, she did something, be it poop or pee, or even just fart! It was something and as a first time parent, I was SO proud!

She is now 19 months old and about a month ago I decided it was time for some hard-core potty training so she could be in big girl panties come time for her second birthday! Well apparently all that we have been through in the past 14(ish) months has gone down the toilet, almost literally! She yells at me 'POOPOO!' so I take her diaper off and set her on the potty just for nothing to happen! She yells 'PEEPEE!' so I take off her diaper and set her on the potty, again, for nothing to happen!

So i have decided to let her run around without a diaper every now and then(maybe once a day) just to see if maybe, just maybe, i can catch her in the act and we can rush to the potty before it either gets all over her, me, or the floors. Well, i have  been leaving her diaper off for at least 30 minutes and in that time frame, NOTHING happens! Nothing! not even a slight tinkle on the floor! As soon as i put that stupid diaper back on though, you better know there is an explosion! Never fails. It's almost like when she was an infant and we would take her diaper off and she would pee or poop... Yep, that never failed either!

Anyways, tonight, i was in the bathroom getting something and she stood at the baby gate and kept telling me 'POOPOO' so I put her on the potty. I waited and waited and finally, she farted! I was so excited and thought, maybe, just maybe she was finally going to go potty like a big girl!! Welp, i waited some more and she started to reach for the toilet paper...this normally means, 'i am done and i want to go play'. Bah! So i let her wipe and put her back over the baby gate...Diaperless.

Only seconds later, Jeffrey asked her where the Ipod was. Since we have not seen it in at least 2 days, i went on a search with her. After about 2 minutes, I found the it under one of her dolls. Then, I smelt something....a very nasty something....and then i looked down... There a turd stared me in the face. WHY?! Why was there poop on my floor when she had already been on the  potty and done NOTHING?! At first, i was going to blame it on the dog, but you can't blame it on the dog when the evidence is on her hiney!

We cleaned her up and cleaned the floor up and I had just sat down to start this blahg when i saw it. A smear of something on my leg. I hoped it was mud, knowing there was no mud indoors for me to of gotten into. Jeffrey turned on the light and it was exactly what i had feared...poop! HOW does poop get smeared on someones leg?! HOW?! lol

It reminded me, though, of when she was only 3 days old! We were changing her first diaper at home and i had just put a fresh diaper under her hiney when she pooped. Not only on the new diaper and on the changing pad, but on my leg as well! Here i was, the one being pooped on and some how found it extremely humorous! Jeffrey, on the other hand, ran to the bathroom gaging! haha! it was the perfect beginning to our little family! The only not so perfect side was the pain i was in from laughing so hard so soon after my c-section! But, it was still perfect!

Sometimes as a parent we have to just laugh; even if it is disgusting!

Until Next Time!


Hello World! (First Blog!)

Hello All!

I have been reading e-how on 'How to Make a First Blog Entry' and it tells me that my readers need to know a little bit about who I am, so for starters, I am Renee! Ok, now that that's out-of-the-way! haha! Just kidding! You didn't think that was all I was going to tell you did you?!

Well anyways, I was born on December 22, 1988. My parents divorced when I was real young, so I don't remember them ever being together. most of my childhood i just remember moving from one house to another. Once the lease was up, we moved. It seemed like every six months or so, we were moving again. Finally my mom met Bill. We moved in with him and made one last move to our 'own piece of Texas' as they called it! from the age of 11 until the age of 18, I finally had a stationary home!

At the age of 16, I met Jeffrey online in a Yahoo Chat Room! What was a 16-year-old doing in a chat room? I still don't know, but I met the love of my life there, so who cares about the rest!! That was in 2005! We got engaged in 2007 and then shortly after I graduated, we moved in together! On August 8th, 2008,(08-08-08) we were married! Shortly after, we found ourselves in a rut and jobless and had to move in with his grandmother, dad and little brother and then shortly after that I had a certain glow about me!

Yep, no better time than the jobless time to find out your having a baby right?! Well 8 weeks in, the glow vanished and on Thanksgiving Day, we miscarried our little bundle. You never know how much you love something until it's gone. On Christmas day, the only thing I wished for was to have that baby back, and I tell you God works in mysterious ways because the day after Christmas, EXACTLY one month later, that glow had returned! (By this time, Jeffrey had found a stable job!)

Every ultrasound we had said she was conceived in the middle to last day of our miscarriage which could not have happened because we were not 'active' at that time! She is known as our miracle baby and even more so 'Mommy's wish Come True'! She was delivered via scheduled c-section on September 2, 2009 and has been the best thing to ever happen to us!

I stay at home with Baylynn which may not be the best decision financially but it is the best thing for her! I have tried to do bows and tutu's on the side to sell for the extra income but it has seemingly been a failure! I have spent more money than I have made, which is always good, right?! Haha!

Ok, enough about me for now! 472 word count seems to be enough about my life...for one day anyways!! Now on to bigger things like, why I decided to make a 'blahg'! Well, in all honesty, I don't know! I just know I am a very opinionated person and I want my opinions to be heard, so mostly my 'blahgs' will be about whatever is on my mind at the time. I am a jack of all trades! You might get an opinion on parenting one day and fishing the next! You just never know! You will know, however, to expect the unexpected from me! I will try to 'blahg' about cooking as well! Baking mostly, but cooking! Cooking is a passion of mine! I may not have a culinary degree, but I can cook...well, at least I think I can!

For now, I am done! If you have questions or comments...well, i don't know how this works just yet, but if you can, send me a message, or comment on this post! If you can't, then you can e-mail me at!

Thanks so much for reading!

Until next time!
