At 19 months old, i figured my little munchkin would be speaking plain English by now! But you see, that is not the case! She speaks Baby English, as i am now calling it. There are times when it's easy to understand what she is saying, and other times, not so much!
I have been working with her from day one on talking! For some reason, i thought she would be able to talk within a few days of being born. I mean, she grew like a weed, why couldn't she talk?! Well finally, at 11 and a half weeks old, she said 'Ho'. Every mothers DREAM is for their childs first word to be 'ho', right? Well, when she says it two to three times under a Christmas Tree, you can't help but smile! I was as proud as could be! When someone would ask 'What was her first word?', they NEVER expected to hear 'ho'! My child is very unique in that department!
As she got older, she forgot about 'ho' and moved on to bigger and better words like 'Momma', 'Daddy', 'Please', 'thank you'. She has a very large vocabulary and she does say a few sentences, her favorite being 'i don't want to/it'. Typical!
There are times when i know what shes wants to, or is meaning to, say. 'Momma, I want pip' normally means chip. There is the 'pimp' which happens to be a Chimp. Pimping chimps! (She must not of had her eyes closed when we went to the zoo while i was 7 months pregnant! Those Chimps were doing naughty things!) Hearse is a horse, Ca-Ca is our dog Chica, giger is tiger, cue me is excuse me and the list goes on.
But that is only the easy decoding! Then we have the answers to my questions. 'Baylynn, what do you want for lunch?' 'Um, (insert jibber jabber here)' She says the 'Um' so perfectly like she is actually thinking of what she is wanting and then, nothing. I ask her again, and again, she gives me the 'um' with something after it. So i take her into the pantry and ask her again and she says the same thing again, this time with a finger point.
Yep, makes a ton of sense now. 'Kalabaka'(my made up word) totally sounds like Macaroni, or whatever else you happened to be pointing to! Geeze, why didn't i think of that?!
There are also times when she says it and points to it and i still have NO idea what she is talking about. For example, there is a box sitting on Jeffrey's dresser. The box contains items from the yard sale we had a few weekends ago that I just don't want to go through and put away. She has NO clue what is in the box(nor do i really!) but yet she points to it and says something(and i don't know what) and she gets so upset that i wont get it for her! I guess she thinks there is something amazing in there! I just don't know!
Trying to figure out what she is saying is sometimes a blast though! I will be talking to her about something and she will come back with something in her Baby English and seem to have a little attitude with it so i will come back with a playful 'Girl, you better not be talking back to me!', and she will do her little jibberish thing again with a little more attitude and a little bit louder than last time and again i will say my thing. This can go on forever and every time she will get louder and louder until she is practically yelling it...all the while, i am trying to figure out what she is saying and trying to hold back a laugh! Something must have been important but yet, i can't figure out what!
Through it all though, the words I understand the most is when she says 'I love you.' Nothing else in the world matters with those three little words from something so small!
Until Next Time!
I love reading about Baylynn! Every once in a while I get those little pangs of ticking clock lol but I know now is def not the time for that, so I got a dog and might have another one soon! I always love going through old stuff with my mom, like photos and keepsakes, she even has stuff from when she was growing up. That time in our live just seems like everything is perfect and there isnt a care in the world. I admire how much you love your little girl and your a great mom, I cant wait to feel the same way some day and trust me my parents hope its sooner then later! I think their clocks are ticking haha! But anyway I love your blog and encourage you too keep at it and also wanted to encourage you with your weight loss. Maybe you can blog about how that is or is not going :)