Most everyone now days has or has had at some point in time, a Facebook! For those who use it often, like myself, you know of the well used 'like' button! It comes after nearly every post and even for some business' you have to 'like' their page to keep track of their products or to see whats new!
People who know me, know i don't care what the world thinks about what i say, so i pretty much post anything and everything on my Facebook status. And then there are people who do care about what the world thinks, they just post it for the attention and then get mad that you comment on it. When I stumbled upon 'If you DON'T want people in your business, Don't post it to your STATUS!' I had to like it. For me, i post it because i don't care! I don't care what people think of what i write! If they don't like it, they can easily find the 'Unfriend' button located on my profile at the bottom left!!
Another thing i couldn't help but like was 'I survived Y2K, Bird Flu, Mad Cow, 9/11 and Swine Flu. 2012, Here I come!' I am an 'i'll believe it when i see it' kind of girl so really and truly, i don't think the world will end in 2012, but i wont know for sure until the time comes. I may have been young when Y2K came around but i remember everyone running around and buying food and supplies for the end of the world! Welp, 11 years later and I am still alive!! 2012 is just going to be this big hype that everyone freaks out over and then the next day they feel like idiots!! At least the next day everyone can wish me a Happy Birthday! 'haha losers, you're still alive and so am i, and today is my birthday....NOW SING!' Ok, Ok! I wouldn't go that far, but it would be rather funny, wouldn't it?!
I like a few funny things as well, and then some Serious ones that i shouldn't have been able to 'like' but instead i should have been able to 'Follow' or something along those lines. One that stands out in my mind the most is 'Prayers and Patches For Wyatt'. This is about a 3 year old little boy who was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer(i can't remember the kind). He wants to be a fireman when he grows up(just like his daddy), so his parents are asking for patches from fire departments all over the world. I will be doing what i can do get him at least one patch from down this way and i will for sure be praying for him...But i should not have been able to 'like' this! i cried when i read his story. There was nothing to 'like' about it!!!!
I am even guilty of 'liking' someones status because I was too lazy to type something out! I know i am not the only one to ever do this! it's easy and it's there for a reason and it pretty much sums up what i want to say anyways!
There are some people, though, whom have a new set of 'likes' everyday. I always see '[so and so] likes [such and such] and 8 other pages.' I think, in some ways, they are addicted to the 'Like' button! And it's not just one person, its several people! I know I can be that person as well, so i am not saying it's a bad thing, i just think there needs to be a 'Like Button Anonymous' or something because Facebookers ARE ADDICTED to the 'like' button!!
What's your favorite 'liked' quote, page, saying, status, etc... on Facebook?! Maybe you 'Like' something others may 'Like' as well and we can all 'Like' it together!...was that too much?! haha!
Until Next Time!
I really try not to overuse the like button. It annoys me to no end to see "so-and-so likes whatever and 70 other pages". And yes, I do see that...A lot. Mostly from people under the age of 20 that are on my friends because we're related in some way or we went to school together or whatever. But it's annoying as fuck. Why do you need to like 70 freaking pages? In one day, for that matter!?